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[UN] @ Steam Hunt IX

It's all about the cog, steam, and the dreams of machinery gone wild!

This year, Unrepentant is in the Steam IX Hunt, which is still the only Victorian STEAMpunk-themed grid-wide hunt in SL. The hunt runs from March 1st through March 31st, 2014.

The object that you are seeking is a gear, which can be seen hovering near the hunt signs.  Go to the main store and look or the gear.

Got brains? We do along with a hat as [UN] presents the 'Brain Preserves' that you can wear as on your head.  They always say that two brains are better than one, or is that heads?

This item comes in the top hat and mini topper versions.

The main store location 

You can get the hunt info at the store by clicking the Hunt info sign.


The minds behind Unrepentant -

The Unrepentant Artist, Jalynne Ohmai
The Unrepentant Scripter, Nicolias Sadoul

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